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Sanctuary No More (12/11/2017)

I made a long overdue visit to the city of Austin. True, I am currently a resident of Austin, but I live way up in North Austin, a land of chain store shopping centers and “cookie cutter” neighborhoods. It’s an area of town that could be ANY area of ANY town, just an average American…

Cold (11/9/2017)

The arrival of the cold is upon us. It’s time to stay indoors and hibernate. It’s time to light the fire and relax. It’s time to spend our day contemplating life’s mysteries. Light the candle, open a tome, read the dark spells that only the Gods are allowed to know, the ancient scripts, written in…

The Tower and Shoes (10/22/2017)

The Tower of Babel, that stronghold for your hopes and dreams, the monument to everything you’ve ever wanted, has crumbled. It can be quite devastating when the Tower crumbles, but what can you do? Sometimes our towers were meant to collapse from the very beginning, because we foolishly built them on sand instead of rock.…

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